Innovation Management

Innovation Management

Source Ideas & Innovations

Source, prioritize, and select ideas and innovations from across your business before bundling them into initiatives.

Sustained Innovation & Engagement

Every product and service begins as an idea in someone’s mind. It’s important to harness this creativity as an input to your pipeline for transformation. Project Playbook delivers a capability to enable all involved to inspire change by suggesting improvements. These suggestions follow a process oriented approach from cultivation through delivery to measurement of the results. The benefits to this capability are many but most important is the engagement of your team in driving the direction of the organization.

Innovation Cycle diagram

Deliver Your Transformative Ideas To Market

Manage The Lifecycle

Communicate challenges and opportunities across your organization, generate and capture ideas, and manage those ideas to market realization.

Collaborate & Engage

Set your course for innovation and leverage the great knowledge and ideas of your teams. Project Playbook helps you fail fast and succeed even more quickly.

Deliver Value Every Time

By leveraging the inherent planning and work management features of Project Playbook, your team will deliver the perceived value of each idea to the business.

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