Enterprise Portfolio Management Offices

Enterprise Portfolio Management Offices

Improve Project Management Maturity

Deliver more projects, programs, and portfolios on-time and on-budget in accordance with enterprise standards

Hybrid Working Models

Survival depends on your organization’s ability to respond quickly to market and customer demands. Your teams need to adapt quickly or fall behind. As a PMO, you are in a prime position to guide your organization to shift priorities and ensure that delivery outcomes align with strategic plans. The role of the PMO is changing, and project portfolio management needs to evolve to more modern approaches that support the hybrid reality.

Features and Benefits

Manage Demand

Manage capacity, demand, and utilization for all enterprise resources.

Deliver High Value Projects

Ensure the organization is focused on the highest value projects at the right time.

Analyze Capacity

Balance capacity and demand to identify bottlenecks by role, capabilities, and location.

Manage Resources Effectively

Analyze resource constraints and opportunities using our insightful heat map. Find over and under utilized personnel.

Monitor Financials

Get real time visibility into budgets, actuals, and forecasts. Rollup or drilldown to understand where problems are occuring.

Team Delivery

Tailor Project Playbook to the specific working model of each team. Gain immediate efficiency from collaborative work management tools.

Interested in learning more?
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